VR Emotion Design for Learning

UX Design. UX Research. Co-Design.

Tools: Meta Quest VR. Dovetail. ATLAS.ti. Qualtrics. Figma. Google Workplace. Overleaf.

Project Overview
I was the lead on the user research study of a VR biology simulation exploring the emotions induced by different design factors in the VR environment. Additionally, I was an investigator and collected data on a related experimental study looking at the effect of path and trajectory of character motions on learner emotions in a VR Executive Functions game.
Design Components
Obstacle: Because we had a high attrition rate due to the investigation happening around finals time, we only had an N of 9 for the user research study, resulting in our study findings to be less significant in nature.

Resolution: We decided to rely on the qualitative data and used the quantitative data to support and confirm the data from the transcripts. We formed a framework of emotional VR design based on qualitative coding and network analysis.
Research Components
  • Led user research on VR biology cell simulation
  • Designed research protocol and collecting data through observations, think alouds, interviews, and surveys  
  • Performed thematic coding and analysis
  • Generated insights from data which led to the implementation of design changes
  • Collected data for experimental study on how animation and motion designs affect emotions and learning gains in VR
  • Wrote publications on how visual VR designs affect emotions and how to design accordingly
  • Reported findings of user research studies to stakeholders
Design Components
  • Recommended various design changes according to user research findings, resulting in iterations to VR simulation design
  • Designed images that reduced cognitive load needed for stakeholders to understand research study design