ShineBright Electronic Bit Kits

UX Research. Qualitative Research. Fabrication.

Tools: Google Workplace. Soldering Iron. Wires. Microcontrollers. Buttons and Other Inputs. LED Strips and Other Outputs.

Program Information
Project Overview
An electronic kit that we manufactured that was used by a STEM dance camp for kids. Participants used the kits to explore physical computing and self-identity by coding the electronics to provide an additional mode of self-expression within their dances. I aided in research and fabrication.
Problem: LED strips were too flexible and were breaking as a result. Users needed to use them in 2 days

Resolution: Manufacture more LED strips by stripping and soldering wires to the traces to make over 100 new strips over the span of two days
Organizing and shipping out the electronic bits and kits to STEM camps
Research Responsibilities
  • Interviewing instructors and students in one-on-ones and focus groups about user experience
  • Designing interview and survey question items
  • Manufacturing consent documents
  • Submitting IRB proposals
Design Responsibilities
  • Wire-stripping, soldering, and hot-gluing wires to LED strips
  • Playing with microcontrollers, wires, buttons, and other bits; creating and documenting sample design possibilities
Manufactured LED strip use example by creating a storm cloud by programming the LED strips to look like rain